Reiss, Peter
Academic Medical Center of Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
Peter Reiss is Professor of Medicine at the Academic Medical Center in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, where he holds a joint appointment in the Division of the Department of Global Health and Infectious Diseases. Peter Reiss has been Director of the Netherlands HIV Monitoring Foundation since February 2013. He also serves on the Scientific Advisory Boards of the Agence Nationale de Recherches sur de Sida et les hepatitis virales (ANRS) and the Swiss HIV Cohort Study, as well as on the Steering Committees of the D:A:D study, the Antiretroviral Therapy Cohort Collaboration and the EuroSida Study. In addition, Peter Reiss is one of the four rotating scientific coordinators of EuroCoord. Dr. Reiss is clinical HIV section editor for Antiviral Therapy and editorial board member of a number of other journals. He is also Immediate Past President of the European Aids Clinical Society (EACS) and, until recently, served as the European and Central Asia regional representative on the Governing Council of the International Aids Society (IAS). His current research focuses primarily on the complications of HIV and HIV treatment, and more particularly in relation to ageing.