Serra, José Antonio
Group of “biopathology of aging” at the Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria Gregorio Marañón. Madrid, Spain.
Since 25 years, Dr. Serra, has been working as geriatrician, in the field of health assistance (leading a group that treat more than 5000 very elderly patients per year), teaching (in medical degree, postgraduate and specialist teaching), and research (leading the group of “biopathology of aging” in the Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria Gregorio Marañón). His areas of research are: nutrition, sarcopenia, physical training in elderly, functional impairment, hip fracture, and heart failure. This research activity has been funded, at least in part, with competitive grants. His group has developed a research activity very relevant in terms or translational medicine. Some of our contributions to the scientific knowledge in the field of models of care has been incorporated or cited in international clinical guidelines.